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As business owners, we tend to think we have to handle everything, unsure of who to delegate what to and which resources will provide the best value as we grow our business, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and unfocused. This coupled with the ongoing struggle of "Am I spending enough time with my family, or on this part of the business, or that part of the business, vacation, what's that?"

 The constant feeling of being pulled in multiple directions puts us in a state of exhaustion and feeling unnerved. Then not knowing which piece of the business to work on first as they all seem to be important and urgent in the current moment.

 How is anyone to achieve a state of peace and calm in the chaos?

You Deserve Peace of Mind

A Holistic Approach

We are loved by these people...

"We were your typical start up, burning the candle at both ends, between setting up the business, managing personnel, customers, vendors and attempting to understand the regulations within our industry. Our books were chaotic at best, with no systems in place and we were struggling financially. Amy worked with our vendors, bankers and personnel to stabilize the organization while putting together our financials and implementing procedures to move forward. We were able to recoup our initial investment in the process. As you can imagine, the situation took an emotional toll on us as well. Amy knew that and showed patience and understanding throughout the whole process."

Amy showed patience and understanding...


We are loved by these people...

"I've known Amy for several years and worked with her on different projects. Above all, I can say Amy is dedicated and a stickler for detail. I'm always amazed by her innovation and the creative ways she presents to clients for growth opportunities. Amy isn't 'just' an accountant, rather, she's a business advisor and a trusted partner to have on your team (plus she's a lot of fun)!"

Amy showed patience and understanding...



We are loved by these people...

"When I first met Amy, it didn't take me long to realize that she was a natural people person. In my industry, I come across a lot of CPAs. While I'm not a tax advisor, I do know enough to be dangerous. I say that to say this... Amy did not bore me talking to me about things that I already know. Instead, she gave me herself. When I sat down with Amy, I sat down with Amy. I got to know her as the beautiful person that she is. I didn't feel like someone that she was just using to further her career. I felt as though she truly valued my personhood, and even more, that she valued her own as well. Unfortunately, I can't say this about many of the people that I meet in business. Most of the people that I try to build a professional relationship with spend more time talking about their products and services and not enough time talking about themselves. Amy, on the other hand, seems to get it. She seems to understand that people care less about what you do and more about who you are. She understands that people need to be able to trust you before that can do business with you. I recommend Amy not only as a very knowledgeable CPA, but I also recommend her as a friend in business. The latter is what I believe sets her apart. Unfortunately, it's difficult to put into words just what it is that that means, but I can assure you that once you met with Amy you'll understand completely what it is that I'm trying to say.

Amy showed patience and understanding...

Our Approach

Pivotal Point Accounting assists business owners by creating calm in the chaos. We work with clients to understand not only what's happening now, we assist them in achieving their goals for the future. What does success look like for you? What's the goal for the business? What does retirement look like. When we focus on answers to these questions, we can then frame the short-term and long-term pictures and start putting the pieces together to make your dream a reality.

I have 25 years of experience working with business owners. My background is all encompassing through working with clients on multiple areas of their business. These areas include, being a liaison with their vendors, insurance agents, bankers, lawyers, IT consultants, etc., for the benefit of the clients I serve. Not only have I witnessed the personal struggles business owners face; I face them as well. I provide compassion and understanding without judgement on what you may be going through, knowing that personal and professional lives cannot help but cross over each other. My ultimate goal that I want the clients I serve to achieve is not just a sense of peace and understanding when it comes to their financials but a transformative experience in their lives as a whole.

What Makes Us Different

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